Source code for metabolitics.utils.io_utils

import json
import os

import cobra as cb
import cobra.test

PROJECT_ROOT = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..'))
DATASET_PATH = os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, 'datasets')

[docs]def load_network_model(model): ''' Loads metabolic network models in metabolitics. :param str model: model name ''' if type(model) == str: if model in ['ecoli', 'textbook', 'salmonella']: return cb.test.create_test_model(model) elif model == 'recon2': return'%s/network_models/%s.json' % (DATASET_PATH, model)) if type(model) == cb.Model: return model
[docs]def load_metabolite_mapping(naming_file='pubChem'): ''' Loads metabolite name mapping from different databases to recon. :param str naming_file: names of databases valid options {'kegg', 'pubChem', 'cheBl', 'hmdb', 'toy'} ''' with open('%s/naming/%s-mapping.json' % (DATASET_PATH, naming_file)) as f: return json.load(f)